Despite his loss of hope following the latest setback in his attempt to clear his name, Mohamed Harkat said knowing so many people are standing behind him does bring some comfort. "I just want to thank my supporters and my wife. All the people who supported me from coast to coast," he said yesterday from the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre.
Just two hours later, more than 100 of those supporters gathered at the Human Rights Monument to protest Tuesday's Federal Court decision to uphold his security certificate.
"The process continues to be as flawed as it has been since the security certificate process was introduced," said Jessica Squires of the Justice For Mohamed Harkat Committee which hosted the event.
Noting the security certificate process is a gross breach of human rights and fundamental justice, as it allows people to be detained without charge and tried in court without the benefit of being privy to all the evidence, the committee is calling for the entire security certificate system to be abolished.Squires also questioned the timing of the Federal Court decision, noting it gives Prime Minister Paul Martin a chance to boast about being tough on terror during his visit with President George W. Bush.
Squires said the fight is gaining momentum, noting the committee has collected the signatures of more than 500 people including 16 MPs.
"This decision by the Federal Court judge will do nothing to affect our fight," said committee member Christian Legeais.
"We are asking for immediate intervention so Mohamed Harkat is not deported, the abolishment of security certificates and the end of secret trials in Canada."
Committee members are expected to meet today to discuss their next move.
tobi dot cohen at ott dot sunpub dot com
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Harkat supporters slam 'flawed' justice system
posted on March 28, 2005 | in Category Mohamed Harkat | PermaLink
Original author: Tobi Cohen
Source: The Ottawa Sun
URL: [link]
Date: March 24, 2005
Marchers demand stop to Canada's 'secret trials'