Member of Edmonton's ECAWAR visits fellow activists in Toronto, Ottawa

posted on July 30, 2005 | in Category Security Certificates | PermaLink

Original author: Linda Leibowitz of Campaign To Stop Secret Trials and Deportations - Edmonton
Source: Date: July 30, 2005 Please read the article following this one, by Matthew Behrens of Toronto's Homes Not Bombs, in order to grasp what went on in court during the few days of the bail hearing of Hassan Almrie. It is a fascinating read of the hearing and I could not have written a more accurate article. What follows is my account of my stay in Ottawa and Toronto for members of ecawar as I feel that I merely represented this group and that of the Edmonton campaign to stop secret trials and deportations. We are well versed in the goals of this sub committee. Thank you kindly my friends Linda Leibovitz -- Start of my visit. The March for "No One is Illegal":

I will start now with the beginning of my 11 days spent in the east. Day one found me in good company with Mrs. Sophie Harkat marching for a day with people from all parts of the country who marched for 7 days at 7 hrs per day from Montreal to Ottawa. Canada day 2005, after 11 very trying and difficult days spent seeing the reprehensible and deplorable behavior of our government regarding deportations, detentions, and the awful conditions caused by security certificates. The pain and suffering felt by the deported and those they leave behind; the grief and sorrow of the imprisoned men, their family and friends caused by the hard hearted and tainted justice system of Canada has to be seen to be believed. Canada day in Ottawa was a cathartic day of clarity when I truly experienced the dichotomy that is Canada. The happy and jubilant crowd of approx. 300,000 people of all colours and creeds were celebratory and obviously thankful to be living in this beautiful country. So many were new immigrants and loved Canada like a new child loves it's mother. Yes Canada is this living, nurturing, mother to those it chooses to accept as immigrants but I had spent all my time in Ottawa and Toronto seeing the dark underbelly of foulness which security certificates and deportations have caused.They marched with supporters of refugees, refugees themselves and media. Sacha Trudeau joined the march to assist in our credibility and because of his upcoming documentary on these matters. As you can see in the below article (M. Brehens), Mr. Trudeau believes enough in human rights to offer 5,000 dollars in bail for Hassan Almrie and to make a documentary about the five. I met, on the march, a very loving mother and wife who had helped organize a union in Mexico. I saw and touched the electrical burn marks which ringed her arms legs and apparently her body. She had made a clandestine run for Canada staying at safe houses with her children and finally gained refugee status in Canda. Her husband arrived at the same time from a different location but even though given refugee status in Canada the authorities in Mexico still tortured her by torturing her parents. She made a valiant effort to return to a country which terrified her and using the same clandestine 'safe house' method brought her parents to Canada. Our government, without heart, revoked her refugee status, claiming if she could go back and forward to Mexico without harm befalling her, then she did not require refugee status. This woman is burned in to my mind and I doubt that I shall ever forget the feeling of scars upon her body from a government which is NO DANGER to her?? Be ashamed Canada! Mohamed Harkat:

I was treated like family in the wonderful household of Sophie Harkat where it is clear that everyone loves Moe. There are snapshots of Moe with family all over the house and as soon as possible my dear friend Sophie took me to meet Moe. Life is difficult for Moe, although he always has a loving friendly smile for everyone, he is essentially a very shy and sweet person. Once again I was shown a different side of Canada, as on my first visit I noticed that everyone who visits prisoners in maximum security are treated at times like criminals themselves. It is a very humbling experience yet through all of this Sophie Harkat has garnered respect from most of the staff as has her husband Moe. We reported to the glassed in reception desk where you must put your I.D. into a metal transfer box. My I.D. from Alberta was scrutinized for several minutes. I assume I must look very dangerous indeed !! Then we put all our belongings into a locker and when called, were asked to walk though a security kiosk, much as one passes through at an airport. A guard announces which cubicle you may enter to visit and on my first visitation I was stunned by the coldness of the glass, the inability to touch the human being behind the protective glass but quickly reversed my shock as I posed a relaxed smile for Moe. This unfortunately is not new to Moe, Sophie or anyone who visits on a somewhat regular basis but my purpose was to be as cheerful as I could for the sake of Moe. Moe held his hand up to the glass in a 'high five' motion and being as flustered as I was, I held up the wrong hand. It is so difficult to suppress the reaction one feels at the hellishness of such a life that has been Moe's since his arrest and years in prison. Can you imagine the helplessness of being behind glass or bars without knowing fully with what you are charged and being to be able to do nothing about the situation. This is the fate of Mohamed Harkat for the moment. My first visit was better than the second because we were lucky enough to have a booth with two phones for visitors and I could listen as Moe talked with both Sophie and I. The visit which followed later proved to be more frustrating, as given only 20 mins of time with one phone, the next meeting gave us less time to share conversations. There are no exceptions, as a brief 20 mins is the maximum of time allotted to visitors and only 2 visits per week ! For others who travel a distance and may be stuck in traffic no allowance is made. Sophie is a stong woman with loyal friends, intellectuals, human rights groups/people, show business, political people/groups and many regular people, like our group supporting her. Let us face the truth people of Alberta; this is a wrong and repulsive type of justice for those of middle eastern or Islamic background. The judging of a group of people because of the wrongdoing of a few. It happened as we know to the Chinese, the Ukrainians the Japanese and now the Muslim people. What fuels it all is fear! Many people ask me what would you suggest to keep our country free of terrorists ? A question to which I could suggest answers but ask me what I think is wrong with our present system and I, as well as all good people and Canadians know. It is wrong to be judged guilty until proven innocent, in secret and behind closed doors. The next step is to be deported for example to Syria, Egypt or Algeria where human rights are not considered at all. Ask Maher Arar all about his dreadful year in a Syrian jail! Sophie is working hard to find the money to raise bail for Moe and I ask you to consider whatever you can manage. I have offered 5,000 dollars because of the Canada that I want to love and admire again and to give these men a trial to which any Canadian is entitled as a requirement under law. More details to follow on the fund raising appeal. I shall follow with more detail on each case as is required but must leave Sophie and Moe for now. Hassan Almrei and 'secret trials': The next part of my trip took me to Toronto and to two awful days in a court for the bail hearing of Mr. Hassan Almrei. I have spoken to Hassan on many occasions as he was calling my home collect every second week. I was hosted by his adopted family which consists of Diana Ralph and her partner and slept in the basement suite which will be that of Hassan if he is released on bail. Matthew Brehens of Toronto's homesnotbombs, also Hassan's adopted brother was kind enough to drive me to both court and jail. On seeing Hassan through the protective glass booth in court I was shocked to see how ill looking and frail he seemed. We could neither touch nor speak with him as he was enclosed in glass with a translator. Please read Matthew's account of the court play by play on the two days I accompanied him to court. It will give you an idea what a farce of a process this court can be for a suspect Muslim man. No charges can be mentioned (for the sake of National Security). No evidence is shown in court (for the sake of National Security). No witnesses for the prosecution can be brought forward (for the sake of National Security). It is every bit the Kafkaesque trial that I was told it would be.. Again Mr.(Sacha) Alexandre Trudeau showed his belief to be strong and not to be shaken when questioned in court. He pledged $5,000 bail for Hassan in court and was loyal to his belief of what is just and good for Canada and all Canadians. Even the guards who were subpoenaed to give evidence were tough but admiring of the character of Hassan. They spoke highly of his behavior in prison as an inmate and a human being. I was shaken after my two days in court, almost as if I had been dreaming or rather having a nightmare of what is permitted to go on in secret with our so called justice system. I dreaded seeing Hassan the next day in prison as it would be difficult to be cheerful or optimistic. I did my best but I was not the cheerful person that I usually am and was happy to have Matthew with me to share the conversation. I left Toronto a very shaken and angry person knowing that face of Canada which I hated. That part of it which is torturing people in prison. You may say I over state matters but does not psychological torture count? Ask any abused woman, which hurt her the most in a relationship and she will almost to a woman say, that the bruises and broken bones she could deal with, but the psychological damage remains forever. Be ashamed Canada! Which brings me back to Canada day 2005 in Ottawa. I realized that yes, this is a wonderful country, and I ask you all to help us keep it that way. Ask for high standards and equality for all and let us keep this country, not a paranoid racially intolerant place, but a Canada who truly lives and breaths equality for all. Stop detentions: Fair trials for all; An end to deportations: From my heart to yours. Linda Leibovitz Update Sunday 24th 2005:

I received a collect call from Hassan Almrei this moring and he is on day 31 of a hunger strike. Mr. Almrie has an arthritic condition of the knee for which a prison doctor prescribed a twice daily walk in the prison grounds. It is impossible for him to walk in the confines of his prison cell and to this point in time months after the request no excercise has been given as treatment. Mr Almrie is protesting this as he can, with a peaceful hunger strike. We can do our part by writing to: Monte Kwinter Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services 18th floor 25 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 1Y6 Phone: (416) 325-0408 Fax: (416) 325-6067 [email] PLEASE CC correspondence to [email] or fax (416) 651-9770 or by mail to PO Box 73620 509 St. Clair Ave. West Toronto, ON M6C 1C0 Canada Day in Solitary Confinement: Year 4 by Matthew Brehens July 6, 2005 Read it here: [link] ====================================== See also Matthew's more recent article about Almrei here: "All I Know is My Four Walls" Report from the Bail Hearing for Secret Trial Detainee Hassan Almrei by Matthew Behrens July 27, 2005 [link]