Anti-Terror Fallout

posted on March 09, 2007 | in Category Bill C-36 | PermaLink

Original author: Unsigned Editorial
Source: Embassy- Canada's Foreign Policy Newsweekly
URL: [link]
Date: March 7th, 2007

Usually sunsets evoke peaceful responses from those who observe them. But last week, when the sun set on the provisions of Canada's anti-terror act that had allowed police to arrest Canadians without charge, compelling them to testify, the effect was anything but peaceful.

Weighing in from the U.S. was Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner, one of the authors of the American version of the anti-terror act: The Patriot Act. The congressman told CBC's Kathleen Petty that his law, which has so far withstood court challenges, exists as a credit to non-partisan behavior on the part of the Republicans and Democrats who made it law and allow it to stand.

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