Hopeless and frightened, terror suspect Mohamed Harkat likens this week's Federal Court decision to uphold the security certificate that has kept him locked up for 27 months without charge to a death sentence. "I feel now just like somebody blocked my life. Took my life away," he told the Sun yesterday during an interview at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre. "I see it like it's at the end of my story."
His body trembling more and more as he spoke of his hearing and the allegations against him, Harkat struggled to fight back tears.
"(Tuesday) I never slept. I cried all night in my bed," he said from behind the Plexiglas barrier. "I just feel like my brain is not working anymore.
"Before I thought about getting out and starting to build myself and coming back and catching up with what I left 21/2 years ago ... I miss my family. I miss my wife. Now I'm just disappointed. I'm just waiting for what's next."
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Terror suspect awash in despair as he awaits deportation
posted on March 28, 2005 | in Category Mohamed Harkat | PermaLink
Original author: Tobi Cohen
Source: The Ottawa Sun
URL: [link]
Date: March 24, 2005
'The end of my story'
Terror suspect awash in despair as he awaits deportation